Date and Time
Friday Oct 11, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
204 South 1st Ave.
La Grange, KY 40031
Lunch will be $15 at time of registration. Attendees are required to register and pay in advance, so we have an accurate amount of food for everyone.
Contact Information
Kara Sanders
Send Email
Please, join us for "Out to Lunch" with the Chamber where we enjoy lunch while networking with fellow Chamber members! This month we will enjoy a baked potato bar from Red Pepper at the Chamber office.
Lunch will include:
All the fixings to make a loaded baked potato, salad, soup, drink and dessert.
Lunch will be $15 at time of registration. Attendees are required to register and pay in advance, so we have an accurate amount of food for everyone.