Kosair for Kids is the most comprehensive children’s nonprofit in Kentucky and southern Indiana. We are the safety net for our area’s children. Our Circle of Care includes funding for pediatric health
Providing Hope, Help, and Healing
Quality Health Care in a Christ-honoring environment.
Oldham County Cooperative Extension offers research-based information, advice and programs in 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources, and Family & Consumer Sciences.
Offering compassionate, capable care to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Pillar's mission is to provide supports to people with disabilities by promoting opportunity, choice, and connection to the community.
For more than 100 years, the Better Business Bureau has been helping people find businesses, brands, and charities they can trust.
Printed courtesy of www.oldhamcountychamber.com/ – Contact the Oldham Chamber & Economic Development for more information.
204 South 1st Avenue, La Grange, KY 40031 – (502) 222-1635 – David@OldhamCountyChamber.com